Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Explore and Learn: Fresh Soph Summer

You asked and you shall receive freshmen and sophomores!

When you’re in the first half of high school it seems like all of that stilly college stuff is miles away. But it’s never too early to be building that resume.
As I’ve said before, the only bad summer plan is a summer where you do nothing, and this is especially true for you FreshSophs.

So what should you do with your summer?


Because you’re not quite in that super college focused mode, you can have a bit more slack with what you do. Just make sure you’re doing something.

You might attend or work at a summer camp. This is fine, it’ll be a great way to relax and build some much-needed life skills.

You might travel. This is awesome and can send you back with new perspectives. Make sure to take pictures and keep a journal so you can refresh these memories when you’re in college mode.

You might be holding a job for the first time ever.  And, most likely, it’s a pretty crappy job. Don’t fret. Take this opportunity to learn about responsibility, and, to some extent, doing things you don’t want to do. Be a team player and make a good impression. A good relationship with your manager or supervisor will give you a great reference when you’re applying for better jobs in the future. Also, money in the bank (or for shoes and ice cream, I’m not going to make your choices).

You might be taking classes. This is a great opportunity to explore things you might be interested in. This can help you settle on a potential major early on, which can be a great tool when you’re narrowing down schools.

You might be attending programs or institutes. These are great ways to develop skills and explore your interests. When I was in HS I did everything from language immersion to baking camp. Seriously, explore your options. See what you have locally available through your community center or colleges that are commuting distance.

Sophomores (rising juniors) you should take some time this summer to start prepping for your tests. Starting early is definitely the way to go. The more you practice, the better you’ll get. Junior year is stressful, but starting out the year 50 points closer to that SAT goal score than you were in June will be a lifesaver when the work really starts to hit you.

Freshman? Enjoy your summer. Explore your interests. Hang out with your friends.

Overall, here are my tips for underclassmen summers:

1.     Try something new. Learn a new skill that you need for life (like driving a car or cooking meat that won’t kill you).
2.     Stay out of trouble. Seriously. Make good decisions, you don’t want to have to explain that arrest for the rest of your life.
3.     Read. Read books, high-level books. Read the newspaper. Keep your brain in check and keep studying, don’t let those muscles atrophy.
4.     Get off of Tumblr from time to time and enjoy the great outdoors (as the palest person I know, I need to take my own advice).
5.     If you can, make a little money. It’s one of those things that you’re always happy to have a little extra.

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