Thursday, April 18, 2013

How to: Accept a School


Step 1: Receive offers.

After months of agonizing waiting, it’s your time to shine. Letters, emails, packages, phone calls, everything starts rolling in. and they want you. They want you so bad; it’s driving them mad. So do a happy dance because you’re not living in a box on the street next year (unless you consider a freshman dorm to be a box, which it very well may be).

Step 2: Agonize over offers

Wait. Wait hold on. You have to choose a school? And you only have a month or so to do it? Ahh!
Even if you got into your top choice school, you’re still going to take a nice look at all of the other options.
And now you might agonize. Yes school A is what you’ve been dreaming of, but school D is offering you so much money. School C has such a good program, and your best friend has already committee to B!
It’s okay to agonize. It happens to everyone.

Step 3: Look

Suddenly, you’re Sherlock Holmes (maybe even the Benedict Cumberbatch one… mmmm Benedict Cumberbatch). It’s time to investigate those schools. No stone unturned. What’s the best freshman dorm, what’s the worst freshman dorm? How easy is it to get your classes? Is the food like this all the time?
You might tour, overnight, or go to admitted students day.
You might make pro/con lists.
But you’re going to find out everything about those schools before you make that decision.

Step 4: Narrow

You’ll probably be down to 2 schools in the end. They both have huge pros and cons, but you can’t decide. You’ll flip coins, go on randomizers, talk to everyone you know.

But eventually you’ll have to make the decision.

Step 5: Deposit (AND PARTY)

Finally, everything seems clear. School A was always the school meant for you and now you’re going there.
So send in that deposit (as much as it hurts to see a check that big), put on your T Shirt/Sweatshirt/Sweatpants/Hat/Cardigan/Etc and rock out the rest of your senior year.
Because YOU DID IT!

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