Wednesday, March 27, 2013

It’s the little things: Dressing for class

Today I was hosting a visitor to my school who pointed out that the students at my school “dress for class.” While I had heard the term before, I never thought it applied to my school. To me “Dressing for class” is wearing suits, or sundresses and pearls.

People at my school definitely have style, but seeing someone in running clothes or sweatpants is just as common as seeing someone in a sweater and riding boots.

So a little thing to consider when visiting schools is, “Do students get dressed up for class?”

I have my own personal style rules that I follow, and I definitely am the type to dress up for class (I don’t even own sweatpants). Many schools have a typical “atheistic” that students generally conform to. This might be southern preppy, northern preppy (yes they’re different), metropolitan, hipster, punk, athletic, etc. And while there are no rules for displaying your own style, it’s always nice to go somewhere that you can share clothes with your friends.

Personally, I like to look nice 99% of the time, and no one finds it strange that I dress up in class here. But it’s just as common to see someone in leggings and a t-shirt.
And yet, you don’t really see PJ pants in class here.

When you’re touring, look around at what the students are wearing. If you’re a messy hair and sweatpants kind of person, a school where all the girls are wearing pearls might not be the best fit.

Likewise, if you’re the type of person who takes their appearance very seriously, a school where snow mandates layers and layers of warm clothing might not work out for you.

Dressing for class should be a personal choice, but it’s always best to go somewhere where you’re not going to stick out like a sore thumb for caving and wearing leggings and a sweatshirt to an exam.

So, make sure to find out if students dress up or dress down for class

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