Today’s ridiculous post is brought to you by FINALS MADDNESS (a condition that turns college student’s brains to absolute mush during finals).
Beauty and the Beast’s main villain is the Narcissist Gaston. He wishes to marry Belle not because of her inner qualities, but because he believes her to be “the best.” He riles everyone up on a witch-hunt against the surprisingly humane beast because he doesn’t understand him, and The Beast has what he wants (Belle). He plays dirty and gets Maurice put in the asylum to get what he wants. He’s ruthless, all for a “prize” that he doesn’t really understand or deserve.
So for today’s metaphor- Gaston is an applicant, and Belle is the college of his dreams.
(Finals week guys, finals week)
“She’s the most beautiful girl in town, and that makes her the best. Don’t I deserve the best?”
When people are searching colleges they often make a point to look for the
best school possible. Often this translates into a student fantasizing about a school with a great US News rank, and obsessing about how they’re going to get into it by any means necessary.
This attitude is unhealthy and unrealistic.
Just like how Gaston obsesses over Belle for her beauty, applicants obsess over a school based on its prestige. The thing is, when you look at prestige as a factor you’re going to, inevitably, ignore the more important parts of the search (namely- FIT). Gaston doesn’t understand that Belle is not a good match for him, he just wants the trophy. He also doesn’t understand that Belle doesn’t want
Thinking that you “deserve” anything while applying to colleges is a recipe for disaster.
Essays and Interviews
“My what a guy! Gaston!”
Gaston is a braggart. He needs people to affirm his greatness, and is happy to tell you all about his accomplishments.
When you’re applying to colleges, there’s a delicate balance you have to strike between showing the amazing things you’ve done, and actual bragging.
Gaston doesn’t understand the difference between a small fact (I’m particularly good at expectorating) and things that are actually impressive. Furthermore, he does a whole lot of telling (I’ve got biceps to spare) without a whole lot of showing his personal growth (unless you count that he’s roughly the size of a barge).
So when you’re writing your essays and your interviews, have the amazing things about you delicately woven in to a larger narrative about yourself and your growth as a person. Don’t just laundry list all of the cool things about you. And whatever you do, don’t brag.
Kill the Beast!
Gaston is very bitter about losing Belle to the Beast. So what does he do? He goes on a witch-hunt of the beast!
Sound familiar?
Have you ever heard anyone gossip about someone “Getting in when they don’t deserve it?”
Gaston doesn’t take time to understand the Beast and all of his qualities. All he see’s is the surface.
When college decisions come back, sometimes there are going to be results that you just can’t explain. Don’t be bitter and gossipy about it. If anything, try to understand.
The best strategy? Just understand things weren’t meant to work out, and there are things that we just can’t control.
So take Gaston as a lesson when you’re applying. Whatever you do, don’t be Gaston
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