Pokémon because your success is directly correlated to how many you have
A John Green book you’re crying and something has died by the end
Game of Thrones because you're either on top or dead
Sherlock’s mind palace they require every little detail to succeed
Harry Potter because you learn a whole bunch of trivia but no actual life skills
Doctor Who because no matter how many times they explain it, it still doesn’t make any sense
Glee because who needs logic?
Star Wars because they need to stop making new ones
Star Treck’s Kobayashi maru because there is no way to win
Firefly because you never have enough time
The Hunger Games… ‘nuff said
The Avengers because the people in charge are always making stupid decisions
Batman because you haven’t seen your parents in forever
Supernatural-I’m not involved but everyone’s complaining on Tumblr
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